Saturday, June 20, 2015

Did Liberals Kill Dusty Rhodes?

Well? See what happened? Dusty Rhodes died about a week ago. Did terrorists do it, or people who just hate America?

It remains to be seen. But one thing we know for sure: The American Dream is Dead!

Maybe WWE Hall of Famer Donald Trump can finally save this once great country!

Meanwhile we are going to keep this thing alive for Real Americans who love our country AND classic pro wrestling! R.I.P.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Paleocons Love WWE Pro Wrestling and Knockouts

It's true, paleoconservatives love that old WWE pro wrestling and especially those hot babes known as knockouts or sometimes just regular wrestlers.

We are going to write about pro wrestling news and rumors and whatever else we want.

Wrestling is not just for liberals. It's purely Murrican goodness.

God Bless Vince McMahon and Lew Rockwell.